
Putting Payroll on Payroll Autopilot

Made for Accountants, by Accountants

Our Mission

To help accountants and payroll bureaux across the UK scale, take on extra clients and earn more each month from all the hard work they put in.

About Us

Imagine it’s the end of the month, the busiest period for you, and it’s crazy. You’re inundated with emails, your jobs list is a mile long, and you have clients sending over updates that urgently need doing before you run their payroll. 

It’s a struggle, which then repeats itself the following month, and so on. Twenty years ago, this was us.

So we built Payroll Autopilot, to ‘scratch our own itch’ as they say. Allowing our Director, Nick, the owner of a local payroll bureau, to manage his own business without lifting a finger, while freeing him and his team up to focus on growing the business vs working in it. 

And now, we’re opening up the software in the form of Payroll Autopilot to make things easier for other payroll bureaux and accountants.